SHI | The Attitude of Rice
A set of 4 notecards features the “The Attitude of Rice” collection that render space for imagination and inspiration. Write down a piece of sentiment that represents you well, whether it's seeing a leaf falling from the tree or feelings for a friend you have not expressed for a long time.
We believe that handwritten words are breathing and living beings, and to write is to connect.
Product info:
- A set includes 4 notecards
- Silky smooth, strong and durable cards with a soft touch coating
- Shine-free, no glare
- Size: A6 (105x148mm)
18pt in thickness
SHI | The Attitude of Rice
A set of 4 notecards features the “The Attitude of Rice” collection that render space for imagination and inspiration. Write down a piece of sentiment that represents you well, whether it's seeing a leaf falling from the tree or feelings for a friend you have not expressed for a long time.
We believe that handwritten words are breathing and living beings, and to write is to connect.
Product info:
- A set includes 4 notecards
- Silky smooth, strong and durable cards with a soft touch coating
- Shine-free, no glare
- Size: A6 (105x148mm)
18pt in thickness
SHI | The Attitude of Rice
A set of 4 notecards features the “The Attitude of Rice” collection that render space for imagination and inspiration. Write down a piece of sentiment that represents you well, whether it's seeing a leaf falling from the tree or feelings for a friend you have not expressed for a long time.
We believe that handwritten words are breathing and living beings, and to write is to connect.
Product info:
- A set includes 4 notecards
- Silky smooth, strong and durable cards with a soft touch coating
- Shine-free, no glare
- Size: A6 (105x148mm)
18pt in thickness